The council for the Town of Burstall would like to remind it’s residence that it is the landowners responsibility to maintain their boulevards and alleys.
The council for the Town of Burstall would like to remind it’s residence that it is the landowners responsibility to maintain their boulevards and alleys.
Do you have old eye glasses that you don’t want or need?
You can drop them off at the Town Office for the “Lions Recycle For Sight” Program.
BYLAW NO. 2018 – 167
The Council of the Town of Burstall in the Province of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:
1. Name of Bylaw:
This Bylaw may be cited as “The Fire Ban Bylaw”.
2. Definitions:
a) “Administrator” shall mean the administrator of the municipality;
b) “Council” shall mean the council of the municipality;
c) “Municipality” shall mean the Town of Burstall
d) “Fire Chief” shall mean the Fire Chief of the Town of Burstall
e) “Open Fire” shall mean any Fire which is not a Pit Fire and without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall include grass fires, brush fires, structure fires, building fires, wood scrap fires, or any ground fires.
f) “Pit Fire” shall mean a fire which is totally confined within a non-combustible structure or container that has the draft and smoke vents thereof covered with a heavy gauge metal screen or is ventilated in such a manner as to preclude the escape of combustible materials (such as: chimineas, enclosed fire pits, or incinerators).
g) “Portable Appliance” means any appliance sold or constructed for the purpose of cooking food in the out-of-doors, obtaining warmth or viewing pleasure. Such fire may only be fuelled with seasoned wood, charcoal, natural gas, or propane.
3. Issuance of a Fire Ban:
a) The Council of the municipality may by resolution issue, amend, or cancel a fire ban for the Town of Burstall.
b) Any ban issued pursuant to this bylaw may include any or all of the following: open fires, pit fires, or the use of portable appliances.
4. Offences:
a) When a fire ban is in effect, any person who contravenes the Fire Ban may be subject to the fines established under Section 5 of this Bylaw.
5. Penalty:
a) Any person who fails to comply with any Fire Ban is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine of: $500.00 (five hundred dollars) for the 1st offence and $2500.00 (twenty- five hundred dollars) for each subsequent offence there after.
6. Enforcement:
a) A Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officer or member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have the authority to serve a violation notice on any such person they believe have breached the conditions of this bylaw.
I) Service of such violation shall be sufficiently served if it is personally served; or left for the person at his/her last or most usual place of residence with a person who appears at least 16 years of age or older.
7. This bylaw comes into force on the day of its passing.
Read a third time and adopted this 11th, day of January, 2018.
The Burstall landfill site, will no longer be accepting old tires in their landfill site.
The Council for the Town of Burstall is requesting that all residents who have access to an email address, please submit it to the town administrator. Your email address will only be used in the event of an emergency or to have you submit your water meter readings. Please submit your email address to: [email protected]
A bylaw of the Town of Burstall to establish the issuance of building permits and to provide for fees there of
The Council of the Town of Burstall in the Province of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows:
This Bylaw shall be known as a Bylaw to Licence Dogs/Cats and Regulate the running at Large of Dogs.