June 26, 2024
Via Email: [email protected]
Town of Burstall
Box 250
Dear Waterworks Owner/Operator:
This letter is to advise you that a Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory (PDWA) will be issued for 333-356 Eastview Ave. within the Town of Burstall’s water distribution system, and is effective immediately June 26, 2024 2:00 PM until further notice.
Water Security Agency (WSA) protocol is to place water distribution systems under a PDWA when a leak repair results in a localized depressurization, until such time as the water within the water distribution system is proven safe for human consumptive use. This PDWA remains in effect until the safety of the Town of Burstall’s distributed water can be ensured. Therefore the administration shall notify all affected users of the affected portion of the water distribution system of the conditions in the attached PDWA poster.
This PDWA can be rescinded by the WSA once the following is completed:
1) The break has been repaired, and all related appurtenances have been disinfected and flushed according to applicable standards.
2) The affected portion of the water distribution system has been pressurized, and flushed (if possible), according to applicable standards.
3) The water treatment plant is producing water that achieves the water quality limits stated in the Town of Burstall’s Permit to Operate a Waterworks.
4) The receipt of two consecutive sets of one (2 total) bacteriological samples, collected 24 hours apart from representative locations within the area of the water distribution system affected, which are analyzed and found to be negative for bacteriological presence. Samples are to be marked as “Other” and labeled with the appropriate station number in order to expedite their processing. These samples will not count towards sampling requirements.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 306-741-5421 or [email protected].

Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory
This Advisory applies to residents and users of the Town of Burstall’s water distribution system for 333-356 Eastview Ave., and is effective June 26, 2024 2:00 PM
Pursuant to clause 36(1)(a) of The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010 this Precautionary Drinking Water Advisory is issued due to leak repair resulting in a localized depressurization and therefore the safety of the drinking water supply cannot be ensured at all times. Therefore, pursuant to clause 36(1)(b) of The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010, consumers must be notified to:
(a) boil all water, used for drinking purposes, for at least one (1) minute, at a rolling boil, prior to use;
(b) boil water to be used for other activities where it may be ingested, including:
(i) brushing teeth or soaking false teeth;
(ii) washing fruits and vegetables;
(iii) food or drink which will not be subsequently heated; and,
(iv) ice cubes;
(c) not use the water for washing dishes, unless the water has been boiled or the dishes are sanitized in another fashion. Washed dishes and utensils can be soaked in a bleach water solution (approximately 2 tablespoons of bleach per gallon or 10 ml of bleach per liter of water) for at least two minutes after being washed to kill any bacteria which may be present.
Note: Do not mix bleach with soaps or detergents.
(d) not drink from any public drinking fountains supplied with water from the public water supply;
(e) ensure that younger children and infants are sponge bathed;
(f) use an alternative water source known to be safe, if they do not wish to boil the water; and,
(g) consult with your physician if you have cuts or rashes that are severe before using the water.
Under most circumstances, there is no need to boil water used for other household purposes. Adults, adolescents and older children may shower, bathe or wash using tap water but should avoid swallowing the water. Laundry may be washed in tap water, either by hand or by machine.
This Advisory is effective on the date and time listed above, and will not be lifted until the water supply is determined to be completely safe.
Residents and operators of public facilities may access detailed precautions for PDWAs/EBWOs online at www.saskhealthauthority.ca/facilities-locations/roy-romanov-provincial-laboratory/water-testing-public
If you require any additional information, please contact the following:
Municipal Office 306 679-2000
Water Security Agency – Compliance Promotion 306-741-5421
Saskatchewan Health Authority, Swift Current Office 306-778-5280
For media inquiries, please contact [email protected] and request to speak to a media spokesperson.
Please be sure to identify your name, media outlet and contact information.
Lee Schmidt – Environment Officer
Water Security Agency